27 Jun 2011

Monthly Tasting Events at Plantation House


Plantation House Organic Gardens now hosts a monthly Tasting Event on the first Sunday of each month. The next event will be held on Sunday September 4, 2011 at 5pm.

This is an easy opportunity to taste different produce and their by-products that are in season in a very relaxed and natural setting. Our first 3 tasting events covered mangoes, herbal teas and natural juices. The Jakarta mango scored top marks in the first event, easily beating out Mallika and Graham. The old standby, Peppermint, won the herbal teas blind tasting test hands down and the Java Apple, Star Fruit and Carrot blend narrowly beat out the Pineapple and Ginger Beer blend in the juice event. These events are hosted by Dr. Joseph Jackman and Joel Walton and are free and open to all. Our fourth event, held in August, was Kombucha Tasting - see separate posting report.

Sunday GreenMarket at Plantation House


The Plantation House Organic Gardens’ Sunday GreenMarket is held 2-6pm every Sunday. This is an opportunity to get freshly-picked produce directly from the field and (in some cases) pick them yourselves, if you wish. Not all that we grow we actually take to market so this also allows you to seek out the more perishable and rare items.